WTF? Good question! The Chujado exile - who I considered to be the best performer of the night - serenades the big-white-with-natty-dreads backpacker. Dude, I didn't know Jamaicans visit Jeju!
From left, Lisuonan, Leela, Vadim and Sherrin show some emotion.
A real band on Jeju? These guys rocked!


She sang Johnny Cash's "Hurt," which is actually a Nine Inch Nails song written by Trent Rexnor. Soon after, he went absolutely apeshit with a few Ramones' tunes.

That's me in the lower right, with Phil (not sure if I spelled his name correctly). I don't know Phil, but apparently he drove an ambulance at one time in his life, shared a Grateful Dead story with me, and performed Tom Petty's "Yer So Bad" ---- My sister got lucky, married a yuppie. Took him for all he was worth. ...
Thanks for all the support!
Of all the members of the Big Swim, it was our first-ever Open Mic night. A mishmash of foreigners, I must say to the youngin’ with the white Ramones t-shirt your performance was incredible. As was the Alabama native turned Chuja-do exile. I was thoroughly impressed throughout.
On the night we raised a solid 400,000 Won (all the donors names are listed in the Supporters link to the right.) Of the Won, much of it sat unattended on the table while everyone was dancing near the end. Only in Korea.
The rolling budget tally stands at 1,250,000 Won. We are seeking 5,000,000 Won to fund three things: safety equipment, a nightly minbak stay for Sherrin, and daily food. That’s it. All of our spending will be documented daily once The Jeju Big Swim starts July 31st.
After a night of too many whiskey cokes, white Russians and Cass bottles, from 3:30 to 5:30 in the morning, I cuddled up with a secluded park bench facing a farm off the main road halfway between City Hall and Samyang. It’s good to be completely free. I certainly would have missed my curfew if I was Korean. Only in Korea (the curfew, not my freedom part)
Of all the members of the Big Swim, it was our first-ever Open Mic night. A mishmash of foreigners, I must say to the youngin’ with the white Ramones t-shirt your performance was incredible. As was the Alabama native turned Chuja-do exile. I was thoroughly impressed throughout.
On the night we raised a solid 400,000 Won (all the donors names are listed in the Supporters link to the right.) Of the Won, much of it sat unattended on the table while everyone was dancing near the end. Only in Korea.
The rolling budget tally stands at 1,250,000 Won. We are seeking 5,000,000 Won to fund three things: safety equipment, a nightly minbak stay for Sherrin, and daily food. That’s it. All of our spending will be documented daily once The Jeju Big Swim starts July 31st.
After a night of too many whiskey cokes, white Russians and Cass bottles, from 3:30 to 5:30 in the morning, I cuddled up with a secluded park bench facing a farm off the main road halfway between City Hall and Samyang. It’s good to be completely free. I certainly would have missed my curfew if I was Korean. Only in Korea (the curfew, not my freedom part)
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