How many dolphins were there? While Sherrin was safely on the rocks, I got out the camera and started taking pictures from the kayak. Although only one picture really turned out, just watching for 10 to 15 minutes was cool enough. This was the closest I have been to dolphins. I could have easily thrown a baseball from the kayak and it would have landed in their ballpark. There were more than 10; I saw at least 10 out of the water (fins, body, water movement or any combination) at the same time. They were spread out a bit. I would say 30 to 50.
Where did we stop and resume again? Below is a picture (taken the next morning) of a boat next to the coast road. From this point, west about 0.25 kilometers, a bunch of rocks. Can I be any more scientific?
The second night of camping. Here was my home. A sleeping bag sufficed. More secluded than Pyeongdae's environs. Cool breeze, less bugs, posh wood floors. Sherrin's minbak was a quick three-minute walk away.
Day 4's dinner guests. Together with Sung-mi, Young-lim, and Chai Ba-da, all five of us went into Seongsan and had samgyetang (Korean soup consisting of a whole baby chicken and Korean ginseng). I am a ravenous eater. One of my nicknames is "The Eliminator." I've now seen Young-lim throw both beef rib bones and chicken bones. I may start calling her "The Bone Thrower."
Into Seongsan proper. I love observing the people giving the whiteys looks. After picking up supplies, in the parking lot of the big mart attached to the Nonghyup bank, there were priceless glances. Sometimes when I'm in different parts of Jeju, I feel I have absolutely no connection here, completely alien.
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