Already some 30% of the fish people eat worldwide is farmed, and that figure increases each year. Switching to RAS from standard fish farming -- sea water in, water plus fish dung and metabolic waste out
-- will make a major contribution to cleaning up the seas. In the world of aquaculture, RAS is the parallel of organic farming. Standard fish farms are also forced by economic conditions to lace the fish food with antibiotics, a problem that RAS (with its capacity to control water quality control) does not face.
For 3,300 pages of scientific details on virtually every important issue on ocean health, yet laced with easy-to-understand layman's explanations, visit
At the Seafriends website you will find plain talk, perhaps rather uncomfortable to learn, on what needs to be done to save the sea. It is a formidable task for us and our continuing generations, yet we must take up the yoke and do what we can, because the sea is our biological mother not only from eons past but now as well. It continues to nourish all life on earth with water (rain originates from the sea) and with oxygen from phytoplankton conversion of sunlight (more than half of the planet's oxygen supply is estimated to be coming from the sea, rather than from plants on land as had been previously thought).
The sea may seem so distant from our daily life, except those few who live nearby or make their living directly from it -- but it is of vital importance for the future of human life and all other life on this planet. Don't mention its recreational value, or its capacity to provide fish in sustainable management of fisheries.
Scientists understand the ecosystems on land in minute detail but the sea is, literally, a totally different world that runs by radically different biological laws; very, very, very, very little is known about the extraordinarily complex ecosystem of the ocean, wrapped up in the mysterious bio-functions of a "googleplex many" microbes too small to be seen with an optical microscope. We are just barely beginning to learn about the sea, even the geography of the ocean floor.
But we already do know that we dump too much junk, and that a large portion of it ends up in the sea. We know that both seasonal and permanent dead zones have been increasing triplefold (!) about every ten years from nutrition runoff. We know that gigantic areas of both the Pacific and the Atlantic have collected floating junk plastic that either decomposes extremely slowly or maybe never at all. We know the plastic kills various types of sea life. What else do we know? We know that we human beings are responsible to clean up the mess we have made.
How few of us have the capacity to swim around Jeju or paddle the distance in a kayak! Yet each of us can do something. Let's do what we can.

-Eugene Craig Campbell
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